Cyclamen Mites on African Violet Plants

What are Cyclamen Mites? Cyclamen mites are very tiny pests, belonging to the spider family; they are spider like and can attack African Violet plants. They are very small, measuring just 0.5mm in length and are usually invisible to the naked eye. You would need a magnifying glass to see them. Cyclamen Mites feed on […]
History & What Is African Violet Leaf Variegation?

What is the history of African Violet variegation? African Violet, perlite and coco coir shown below: What is African Violet leaf variegation? How does African Violet leaf variegation happen? African Violet leaf variegation can occur due to several reasons, including genetic mutations, virus infections, and other factors that affect chlorophyll production. Some of the most […]
Cleaning African Violet Plants, Why & How To?

Why clean your African Violet plants? Which tool should I use to brush off / clean dust / soil from African Violet leaves? Below are recommendations of useful items used to clean / groom African Violet plants: How to brush off / clean dust / soil from African Violet plants? Below are recommendations of useful […]
What To Do When Bringing Home A New African Violet Plant?

When you first bring home a new African Violet plant, you have to quarantine/isolate it from your other plants. The African Violet plant, may be from a big box store, a reputable vendor store, an online vendor, a friend, round robin, African Violet show or African Violet club. In all these circumstances, always remember to […]
Artificial Lighting For African Violet Plants: Part II LED Lighting

What are LED Lights: How do LED lights generate light? LED Lights Compared To Fluorescent Lights: African Violet Plants Underneath LED Lights: Replacement LED Tube Light Bulbs: LED replacement T8 tube light bulbs: Below are recommendations for LED replacement T8 bulbs to grow African Violet plants: Direct-wire/Ballast bypass LED tubes: Below are recommendations for Direct-wire/Ballast […]
How To Count Leaf Rows (Whorls Of Leaves) On African Violet Plants?

Crown and Leaf Rows Of The African Violet Plant: Examples of self watering pots for African Violet plants as shown below: *Our Affiliate Programs: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. […]
Artificial Lighting For African Violet Plants: Part I Fluorescent Lighting

Definitions: Below are examples of light meters, useful to keep in your growing area, especially when monitoring low or bright light intensity. Lights: Fluorescent Light Bulbs: Below are recommendations for T12 bulbs to grow African Violet plants: Below are recommendations for T8 bulbs to grow African Violet plants: Below are recommendations for T5 bulbs to […]
How to Water African Violet Plants?

African Violet Plants need to be watered depending upon each plants individual environment. Depending upon whether African Violets are in a hot, dry, comfortable or cold environment, the frequency and amount of water changes. Below are common questions answered about watering African Violet plants and hopefully you will be able to pick up some useful […]
Tight Crowns on African Violet Plants

Tight crowns or tight centers on African Violet plants can unfortunately occur when we are overzealous with fertilizer, light, heat or due to heavy soil or cyclamen mite infestation. (For information on normal rosette or trailing growth habit in African Violets, visit “What are different types of African Violets?“). What is a tight crown in […]
How to Bury and Re-Pot African Violet Bare Stems or Necks?

What does a long neck look like on African Violets? How does a long neck develop on African Violets? These tools can be helpful to perform the steps outlined below: Why do we need to remove or hide the neck on African Violets? How to repot the neck on African Violets? Example 1: Below sucker […]