Capillary Mat Watering African Violet Plants : How To Use And Set Up

What are mats / capillary matting? Examples of capillary matting used for watering African Violet plants shown below: How does capillary matting work; for African Violet plants? What materials to use for capillary mat watering of African Violet plants? Examples of capillary matting used for watering African Violet plants shown below: How to prepare your […]
What Pot Size To Use For African Violet Plants?

Why do African Violet plants need to be in a certain size pots? What is the ideal pot size for my African Violet plant? (a) Choosing pot size based upon type of African Violet: Examples of 2″ & 3″plastic pots, great to keep a few extra in your growing tools: (b) Choosing pot size based […]
African Violet Show Plants: How To Begin?

Local African Violet clubs affiliated with the African Violet Society of America (AVSA), host annual plant shows. These shows many times also include plant displays and African Violet sales to raise funds for their club. Another goal is to arouse interest for African Violets among the general public by providing helpful growing tips. Please note, […]
Wick Watering for African Violet Plants

Why wick African Violet plants? What is wick watering? Below are some items which can be useful while wick watering African Violet plants: How to wick African Violet plants? How to wick already potted African Violet plants? What type of wicks can I use for African Violet plants? Below are a few options of wicks […]
Ideal Conditions to Grow African Violet Plants

These are a few general points on how to grow /maintain African Violet plants. Pot Size: Below are examples of plastic pots of different sizes: Soil: Watering: Add water from side of pot or into dish/tray/saucer/container the pot is sitting in. For more details on wick watering African Violet plants, can visit blog post, “Wick […]