How To Groom African Violet Plants?

Why Is It Necessary To Groom African Violet Plants? Grooming Habit I – Removing Flowers Grooming Habit II – Removing Leaves Grooming Habit III – Checking for African Violet Suckers Grooming Habit IV – Spacing And Rotating African Violet Plants Tool recommendations below, useful in regular cleaning of African Violet plants. Grooming Habits V – […]
What are the Different Types of African Violet Plants?

African Violets can be divided in two main categories depending upon their type: Rosette African violet plants and trailing African violet plants. They are defined as below: Rosette African Violets: African Violet and other potting mixes shown below, also my favorite African Violet fertilizer, optimara. Trailing African Violets: *Our Affiliate Programs: We are a participant in […]