When And How To Divide / Separate African Violet Leaf Babies From Mother Leaf

After waiting 3-4 months, you finally see tiny baby plantlets emerging from your African Violet leaf cuttings. You are now trying to decide whether you should separate the babies from the main leaf or wait a little while. This article will hopefully give you an idea of when it’s the right time to divide the […]

How To Count Leaf Rows (Whorls Of Leaves) On African Violet Plants?

Crown and Leaf Rows Of The African Violet Plant: Examples of self watering pots for African Violet plants as shown below: *Our Affiliate Programs: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. […]

Soil Mealy Bugs in African Violet Plants

Soil Mealy Bugs are found inside the soil of African Violet plants, closer to the roots. They can spread very fast between plants and measures need to be taken quickly to control them. These are common questions answered about African Violet Soil Mealy Bugs: What are Soil Mealy Bugs? How do Soil Mealy Bugs Occur […]